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2024-04-02 07:07:02高中作文访问手机版346




  How to Deal with Our Study Problems

  Although we often feel stressed, we shouldfind suitable ways to deal with stress.

  We can wear calm colours like blue and whiteto make us feel relaxed. We should be careful enough, because “a miss is as good as a mile”. We should also achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies.Try to plan your spare time well. Don’t lose heart atany time. You will make great progress through hard work.

  When having problems, we can ask people aroundus for help. It’s not wise to keep ourworries to ourselves.



  1. 本题总分为25分,按5个层次给分。

  2. 评分时,先按照文章的内容和语言初步断定其所属层次,然后以该层次 的要求来衡量,断定或调整层次,最后给分。

  3. 词数少于 80和多于 120的,从总分中减去2分。

  4. 评分时,应注意的次要内容为:内容要点、应用辞汇和语法布局的数量和准确性、高低文的连贯性及语言的得体性。

  5. 拼写与标点标记是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对寒暄的`影 响水平予以考虑。英、美拼写汉辞汇用法都可承受。

  6. 如书写较差,以至影响寒暄,将分数低落一个层次。

  7. 内容要点可用差别体式格局表达,对紧扣主题的得当发扬不予扣分。



  1. 完全完成为了试题规则的任务。

  2. 覆盖所有内容要点。

  3. 应用了较多的语法布局和辞汇。

  4. 语法布局或辞汇方面有些许过错,但为极力使用较复杂布局或较初级辞汇而至;具备较强的语言运用本领。

  5. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成份,使全文布局紧凑。


  The environmental pollution is worse and worsetoday. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student Itry to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.

  Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduceair pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving theclassroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things andnever waste water.

  I wish more students to join me and make theearth more and more beautiful.

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