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2020-12-01 14:42:15小升初试题访问手机版477



  1. 表示地点的词(把下列单词和相应的中文意思连起来):

  图书馆 crossing school 到达

  邮局 follow Restaurant 科学博物馆

  医院 hospital supermarket 学校

  书店 library cinema 直行

  十字路口 post office science museum 电影院

  跟着 bookstore go along 沿着

  右转 turn left go straight 超市

  左转 turn right get to 餐馆


  1. ---_______ is the museum shop? ---It’s in the RenMing Park.

  next to the hospital. in front of the school. behind the park

  near the zoo. far from here. Between school and library

  2.---_________ there a cinema near here? 回答:---Yes,______________________.

  3. _______ can I/we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.

  4. ______ can I get to the hospital? Take the No.57 bus. = By the No. 57 bus.

  到那儿 get there 到某地 get to

  5.---__________ it far from here? 回答:---Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.


TAG标签: 2020年 小升 英语 复习 试题 答案