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2021-09-15 14:22:30英语访问手机版382

  Bullying欺凌 has become a big problem in schools, which has caused serious attention ofthe society. To know what drives bullying will help to stop it. ①There are many factors that make a child involve in a bullying. ②Parents are busy with their work, leaving their children alone or with the grandparents. They don't get love or warmth from their parents. Children who are bullied are easier to bully others. Some children bully others to get respect from other kids. Teenage girls bulb to win attention or love from someone. Movies, video games also play a role in a child's bullying actions.
  Parents, teachers, schools and society should ③work jointly to stop bullying. As students, you should respect others and not make fun of their weaknesses. If you are bullied, you have the right to tell your parents or teachers about it first and ask them for help.
  81. 文中①处画线句子中有一个单词的意思是·因素’.这个词是:_________
  82. 将文中②处画线句子翻译成汉语。
  83.文中③处 "work jointly" means "work together ". Do you think so? ___________
  84. Why do teenage girls bully others?
  85. What should students do to stop bullying?
  81. factors 【解析】词义猜想题题。有很多因素让一个孩子卷入欺凌变乱,that make a child involve in a bullying是factors的定语从句。
  82. 怙恃忙于本人的工作,丢下孩子一小我私家,或把孩子留给祖怙恃。
  83. Yes, I do。
  84. They bully to gain attention or love from someone.【解析】细节懂得题。按照第一段的倒数第二句最后一句“Teenage girls bulb to win attention or love from someone.”可知答案。
  85. We should respect others and not make fun of their weaknesses. If we are bullied, you should tell our parents or teachers about it first and ask them for help.【解析】细节懂得题。按照文章最后两句可知答案。

