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2022-09-05 08:06:29节日作文访问手机版246
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英语节日作文 篇1

  My favorite festival is Christmas Day。 It’s not the trditional for Chinese。 It’s for the foreigners, which Christmas Day is to them what Spring Festival is us。 But with the development of the society, more and more foreigners e to China。 And then it is popular in China。 I feel excited to see the Cristmas decoration and Christmas trees。 I also like Santa Claus, who will give Christmas present for us under the table。 And people will say ”Merry Cristmas” to each other on that day。 It is wonderful to have a foreign festival。

  我最爱好的节日是圣诞节。它不是中国的传统节日。是本国的。圣诞节关于他们来说就像是春节关于我们一样。跟着社会的开展,愈来愈多的本国人来到 中国。之后圣诞节在中国也风行起来了。看到圣诞粉饰和圣诞树我会感触很高兴。我也爱好圣诞白叟,他会偷偷的给我们圣诞礼物。在那一天人们会互相说圣诞高兴来打号召。过一个国外的节日真的很美妙。

英语节日作文 篇2

  中秋节是中国一个很紧张的节日,在八月十五号。在节日到临的头几天,家庭中的每个人都帮着清扫房子,把房子打扮得漂标致亮的,灯笼挂在屋前。 晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要返来团圆。晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,通常为白色的圆灯笼。孩子们会高欢快兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼。 晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节出格的食品——月饼。人们在一块儿回首过来,展望将来。据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去。为了维护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的'响动把龙吓跑。


  Spring Festival

  My best festival is Spring Festival. It is in Janurary or February. It is the most important festival for the Chinese people. On that day everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper.

  People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. Burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival. I like spring festival very much. It's my favourite holiday.



  Lantern Festival

  Lantern Festival is a China's traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

  I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making

  lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

  On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied.

英语节日作文 篇3

  There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn festival, qingming festival, Dragon Boat Festival... But my favorite is the qixi festival.

  The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the Chinese valentine's day. It was a beautiful day for young men and women.

  I was walking down the street, and I could see flowers everywhere, and I was selling roses. The lovers can't resist the temptation of Shouting, and the boy has bought a large flower to give his heart to the girl, the girl smiles. After a while, the mountain of roses in the flower shop was sold out.

  I came to yonning park and found a few pairs of lovers in the corner of the sea. And every now and then ran to several children, asked should buy roses, some couples are put kongmin light, write wishes on the slip of paper inside the lamp, along with the kongmin light bring vega, beg for wishes come true.

  Before going to bed at night, my mother told me the story of qixi festival -- "the cowboy weaver girl". When she had finished, her mother told me that when she was a child, she had climbed to the vine shelf to hear the words of the cowherd. I thought: this is very interesting!

  Qixi festival is full of romantic colors, full of magical legends, which is very interesting!







英语节日作文 篇4

  In the early morning, the sky is dark, there is not a cloud, but also a drizzle. Although it's raining, there are more people on the road than usual. Why? I look at the date. It's Qingming Festival!

  I looked out of the window and saw a lot of cars on the road. I guess a lot of people should go to the grave. Looking at the rain falling one after another and the pedestrians coming and going on the road, I can't help but think of a poem - the rain is falling one after another in the Qingming season, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

  Soon, I went to the grave with my family. In the cemetery, some people put incense in front of the grave, some put flowers in front of the grave, and others prayed devoutly in front of the grave.

  At noon, grandma prepared a delicious Qingming dumpling. Looking green, grandma said it was because of the addition of wormwood. Take a bite of the skin with wormwood, it's clear and cool; take another bite of the bean paste filling in the middle, but it's sweet again, delicious.

  "Grandma, I want to learn from you to be a Qingming League, OK?"

  "My little ancestor, you'd better not make trouble!"

  I still can't help learning from Grandma's appearance and moving my hand, but I haven't succeeded in doing it for several times. Forget it, I'd better wait for grandma to do it!

  Well done, steam up, and soon a smell went straight to my nose, "it's really fragrant! Grandma!" I couldn't wait to catch one and eat it.

  Qingming is one of the twenty-four solar terms, and Qingming Festival is a special day, a day to remember our ancestors! I hope that this sweet silk can bring us full respect for our ancestors.

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